Let the sneezing commence
I am a fool. For the past week I was thinking that perhaps I somehow have outgrown the allergies that have plagued me for most of my life. I was starting to feel really positive and relatively snot-free til last night. My mum and I met up with my youngest brother at his place of employment and had some dinner. As I was finishing up my last beer, my throat started to itch...not an easy task one would think. So I sat in some discomfort til we headed for the car to get back home. I started sneezing a bit in the car and by the time we got home it was full blown disgustingness. I didn't sleep at all really last night cause I was literally waking up every 30mins to blow my nose and sneeze in abundance. I am very frustrated cause it has also derailed my fitness plan of going for a jog every morning cause today I could hardly get out of bed. The weather has also spiked today at a very balmy 30 C. (i forget how to convert to F at the moment, but suffice it to say it is warm out) I am supposed to go up north to Muskoka today to visit a very dear friend and to snuggle with her daughter but I just don't know if I am going to make it. Everything has come up at the last minute--we have to take my Mums car in due to some potentially fatal breakline issue, and I have to start waitress training tomorrow at 8am!
On a way less pleasant note--I lost my job in the US! I had applied for Family Medical Leave Act which I thought I was in good standing to get but it didn't work out and so I am now unemployed for the first time in years. Kind of freaky. I have some opportunities up here but currently they aren't in the field where I can make that much money, so for some time I think it will feel like I am missing a zero from the end of my paycheque. I just feel a bit negative today cause i had been feeling so super awesome as of late and now I just feel like things are all coming apart. Blech
I can relate to the allergy issues. I had finally outgrown my problem with allergies. Then I moved into another area not good for allergy sufferers & there's a whole new breed {or dozen} of allergens for me to contend with. That's too bad about your job. How long is your vacation for again? Hope you feel better.
Rebecca, At
June 08, 2007 4:28 PM
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