Due to the unfortunate behaviour of my husband who leaves comments as "Anonymous" thinking that they veil his identity, I have set my comments to moderated. So if you leave me a comment it will be emailed to me and if it isn't a direct attack on me as a person or my mother I will accept it right away. I have been keeping away from my blog and from the net for a while lately as I tend to get nervous to see what he has done, but in a step for self preservation I am taking back what I love and no longer worrying about what he is going to try to do or say to hurt me. Enough of the negative talk...for last night I fell in love....
...with Nintendo Wii!!!! I went down to Guelph to visit my friend Erin on Monday and decided to head to London on Tuesday to spend the night with my friend Lindsay and her husband Jesse. They took me out to an awesome sushi dinner, we went to Value Village to get snazzy outfits for this weekends "wear white before Labour Day" party and then home to drink some vino and play some Wii. I have never really been a videogamer. I loved me some Duckhunt back in the day, but I never got too involved with the continual evolution of playstation and Nintendo. But I really really want a Wii. We played the Sporting game selection, bowling, golf, tennis and some boxing. I was actually sweating playing the boxing and managed to KO Lindsay. What a lot of fun. Today I am not up to too much, cleaning my room (feel like I am in high school haha) and making dinner--I just got a cool recipe for Chicken with artichokes and melted lemons...if it turns out well I will post it. Anyway this is likely a mundane post, but I miss my internet peeps and want everyone to know I am still alive. xo
Labels: daily
I figured you were MIA for that reason, though I didn't see the nasty comment until just now. No matter what it's not cool to bring parents into things, esp when they aren't here to speak for themselves. {{Hugs}}
My grandparents have the wii & my son loved it. He would do the bowling game, with a little help. I have never been into video games either, not beyond super nintendo. Your chicken recipe sounds yummy, hope it turned out well.
Glad you are back to blogging!
Rebecca, At
August 23, 2007 8:42 AM
Ah ha!! My internet bestie has returned!!
I missed you :)
I haven't played wii, but I hear it's awsome. Perhaps one day!!
Moving in just over a week. I'll send you my new number in TO when I get it, and we'll have to arrange a visit soon!!!
Anonymous, At
August 23, 2007 9:40 AM
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