my week
I am a dreamer—a cheese ball romantic dreamer. As such I tend to lend myself often up to disappointment as I get WAY too excited about something, plan it out in my head, and inevitably end up disappointed. I am very pleased to report that Monday night was the exception.
I came home from work to find this in my living room :
I came home from work to find this in my living room :

Hub found these chairs while we were in Canada for my Dad's funeral. He knew that I would love them so much (which I do cause they are so freaking cute) so he managed to cram them in the back of the car and drive back to Philadelphia with them. He also set up the little end table we have for a romantic little dinner of crab cakes and amazing dessert from Di Bruno brothers. SUCH an exciting and unexpected evening. Also last night I came home and he had cleaned out our little den room (its considered a half bedroom I think..tiny wee room) but we had managed to jam it full of crap and he magically made it look spic and span. I am SO happy about that. It's scary that he has become so much cleaner than me. When we first met his place was a dump!
I dont know if it can be seen in the above photo but the left window ledge is the start of our 'Eagles' themed fall decorations. What you can't see are the 8 jerseys hanging on the wall behind our TV. We are true Eagles fans. Hub is in his blood, I just am through marriage!
Week at a glance: Tonight I am going to hear Frank Warren (from fame) read at Barnes and Nobles. I am pretty addicted to those secrets and I can't wait to hear him talk about his favourite secrets etc. Should be interesting. Tomorrow night is my friend Christine's birthday celebration so we are going out to Mad for Mex for happy hour. I love happy hour. I don't go out often enough but man I love drinking after work. I am a bit hesitant to go there though cause last time Hub's brother was in town we went there for drinks. And more drinks. And some how I convinced myself that I wanted to smoke a lot of cigarettes. And eat Nachos. I barfed all over my shoes in the underground parking garage at our apartment building that night. not fun. Saturday is Halloween going out night for us. I have been planning on going as something 80s, but as per usual my costume has been left to the last minute (NOTORIOUS procrastinator) My girlfriend Caitlin from Ontario is stopping in Philly for the night on her way to North Carolina, so we will have to have some good times cause she is moving to Caracas to teach English. Sunday I have a babyshower at 11:30, then going to visit my cousins and their baby and then to Alan's parents for the annual pumpkin carving event. BUSY week, I rarely have this many plans in a month!